Tactic Kilt - A Great Way to Identify Oneself As Being Part Of Something Special

Tactic Kilt - A Great Way to Identify Oneself As Being Part Of Something Special

A kilt is a form of wear that developed in the British Isles over the course of centuries. It is most historically associated with highland clans such as the MacLeods and Grants. During the height of the Scottish Renaissance, the kilt was designed in part to distinguish the Scottish noblemen from the Irish, and to signal their allegiances to the crown of Scotland rather than to the Pope in Rome.

Key Facts About Kilts

There are several interesting facts about kilts that you should know. First, the kilt doesn't just cover the waist, but it is traditionally worn as a whole, from the waistline to below the knee. While some modern kilts may only go down to the mid-thigh, these are considered vulgar and most often used by gauchos (a type of Mexican cowboy) and members of the British cavalry. As a result, for most people, the kilt is both a dress and a pantsuit.

Second, the kilt has been around for a very long time. The earliest evidence of a kilt dates back to the 15th century, and it wasn't until the early 17th century that the wearing of kilts was made restricted to highland areas. Prior to this, the kilt had been commonplace in burberry's for men and women in towns and cities.

Third, while the kilt is most famously associated with highlands regions such as Scotland and Ireland, it has been worn by people of all nationalities. This is because the kilt was originally designed to be a military uniform as well as a sign of authority.

Tactic Kilt

As the name implies, a tactically-kilt is a kilt designed for combat. These kilts are often constructed from higher quality fabrics such as leather or double-breasted tartan lined with soft, plaid-like fabrics. The plaid lining is there to offer a little bit of extra warmth to the wearer during the cold winter months, when the kilt would be worn most often.

A  Tactical Kilt  can also be identified by the addition of a leather or metal belt attached to the rear of the kilt. This is to provide additional support for a laird carrying a sword in a sheath, for example, in the event that he is hit by a sword during a duel. This type of kilt was most often seen in the 17th century, and it became commonplace for the wearing of the kilt to signal one's allegiances to a historical figure such as King George II.

Types Of Kilts

There are several different types of kilts that one could be made up of. The first type is known as a regimental kilt. These are the basic, traditional kilts worn by the British Army, Royal Navy and other organizations. As the name implies, the regimental kilt is traditionally worn by organizations that are associated with a particular regiment or military unit. Typically, these types of kilts will have a tartan pattern on them that corresponds with the colors of a regiment's guidon (standard), or the colors of the arms of the organization.

History Of Kilt-wearing

As a sign of respect, the historian Simon Thurling offers the following regarding the kilt's historical development:

"The kilt has fascinated me ever since I first encountered it. Although the outfit was originally designed to be practical and comfortable for highland hunts, it has been adopted as a symbol of identity and pride among the Scottish aristocracy and other highland clans. The kilt's connection to the ancient Scots is further highlighted by the fact that the Scottish crown was often depicted wearing a kilt when it was not yet customary for commoners to sport the garment."

Since most people are not royalty, and may not be able to afford top-of-the-line suits of armor, a tactical kilt can serve as a practical alternative. It is also a great way to identify oneself as being part of something special, whether one is Scottish or not.

Wear What Makes You Feel Strong

This is a great motto for any outfit, but it is especially fitting for a kilt. The majority of kilt wearers will agree that what they love most about the garment is its historical roots and the feeling of strength that it gives them. The Scottish military historian Charles Maclaurin said regarding the kilt:

"I like the kilt because it was originally designed for soldiers and it gives you a feeling of strength and manliness. It's comfortable and itchy—but not in a bad way."

As a result, the kilt has been a popular choice amongst people wishing to connect themselves with a more traditional and historical way of life. Like many other items of men's clothing, the kilt is most popular amongst those who love to show off their tattoos.

Treat Yourself

For most people, the kilt is both a dress and a pantsuit. As such, it is an item that is perfect for layering, both during and after workouts. Many people choose to wear a baseball cap under a kilt to show off the tartan pattern, and some even choose to go the whole nine yards and wear the cap and the kilt at the same time. You can easily find a kilt that will fit perfectly under your hat, and this will not only add a touch of old-school style but it will serve a functional purpose as well.

If you want to own a piece of Scottish heritage, but can't commit to a complete outfit change every time you exercise, then a kilt is your best option. These garments offer a combination of old and new that will allow you to fully express your individuality whilst still paying homage to your favorite historical figures and events from the Scottish highlands.